Hello Everyone,
What note does a piano play when dropped down the Yates shaft?
A♭- get it?? “A Flat Minor” HAHAHAHA
For more musical fun head to the Homestake Opera house this Friday the 4th. Don’t miss out on the all the aca-action that is “Ball in the House!” At 1:00 PM there will be a free acapella workshop for ages 12-99. Come learn about this unique style of singing from these nationally renowned experts. The Lead Deadwood Schools do not have school that day so this is a great time for them to learn something new, get them out of the house, and keep them of “treble”. Then bring the whole family down to the show that evening, doors open at 6:00 PM and the stage starts aca-rocking at 7:00 PM. This show and the class are sponsored in part by a grant from the Walter Francis Green Trust. A huge thank you to them and their committee for helping us bring this great group to the Northern Hills It’s gonna be aca-awesome!
For ticket information go to www.homestakeoperahouse.com
____ Here’s what’s happening in Lead this week
Wednesday 11/2: 11:15am Storytime at the Lead Library w/ Free Cookie Decorating at Rustic Nook Bakery
12:30pm: Mountain Life Fitness @ EFA
3:45pm:4:45: Emerald Ballet/Jazz @ EFA
6pm: Zumba w/ Debbie Minter @ EFA
Thursday 11/3: 7:15am Men’s Breakfast @ Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church
3:30pm Ruby Ballet/Tap @ EFA
4pm: LACC/DACC Mixer @ Dakota Gold Corp
4:30pm Hip Hop Dance @ EFA
5:15pm Open Ballet@ EFA
6pm/6:45: Adult Tap/Jazz @ EFA
Friday 11/4: 3:45pm Company Rehearsal @ EFA
5:30pm Zumba w/ Debbie Minter @ EFA
7pm: Ball in the House @ HOH
Saturday 11/5: 11am: 11th Annual South Dakota’s Largest Home Party @ Christian Ministry Center
Monday 11/7: 3:45pm: Sapphire Ballet @ EFA
4:45pm: Sapphire Jazz @ EFA
5pm: Lead City Commission Meeting
5:30pm: Kiwanis Meeting @ Christian Ministry Center
6pm : Meditative Art @ EFA
Tuesday 11/8 3:45pm: Kinder Ballet/Tap @ EFA
4:45pm Creative Movement @ EFA
6pm: Couples Dance Class @ EFA
6pm Belly Dancing Basics @ EFA
6:30pm Poker for Fun @ Cliffhanger Lounge @ Blackstone Lodge
Wednesday 11/9: 9am Shepherds food pantry @ Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church
____ News & Notes
Light Up Lead Registration forms are now available at the ACE Hardware of Lead until 11/30
The Homestake Opera House is renting office space. Information can be found at this link: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0FZ17QkdCfSQdGW8jCc5R3QpNJfQXGD2ptBUnbvSdqftYxLnmRxMzKhhMtCr4pZJ5l&id=100063692884342&sfnsn=mo
If you miss Lead City Commission Meetings, they can be viewed on the City of Lead’s Facebook page
If you host events and need a login in to your member account, please reach out and I will gladly get you that information.
LACC Board of Directors Meeting are open to the public. We have them every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 3:30pm at the SLHVC.
____Save the Date:
11/9 LACC Board of Directors Meeting
11/10- 11/14 “To Gillian on her 37th Birthday” @ HOH
11/12 Arts & Antiques Row Second Saturday
11/12 Cheesecake Sampler and Battle of the Hors ‘dourves
11/18 LACC Mixer – Festival of Trees (FOT) @ HOH
11/19 FOT Auction @ HOH
11/19 Christ Church Annual Bazaar
11/22 Lead-Deadwood Community Thanksgiving Service at Lead Assembly of God
11/26 Shop Local Kickoff @ Miners & Merchants Trading Post
12/13 – Restoration Next Steps and Lead Forward Community Pledge Drive Kickoff @ HOH
12/21 Lead-Deadwood Community Blue Christmas Service at Christ Church Lead
** EFA = Explore Fitness & Adventures**. **HOH = Homestake Opera House.**. **SLHVC = Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor Center**. ** HARCC = Homestake Adams Research & Cultural Center
Best Regards,
Leigha Patterson
Executive Director