Welcome Home, Alumni!

Good Morning All!

This is All School Reunion weekend here in town and it’s exciting to see that love for Lead runs deep in your veins! (Sadly, I was busy graduating from high school in Guam in 2001, but I would have much rather have been here!) Rumor has it that there will be a few thousand people here for the events! For many visitors it may have been a while since they graduated and they will be returning to see Lead much changed, for others Lead has continued to feature in some way in their lives even if they didn’t choose to stay here.

High school was a tumultuous time for most of us – either the very best or very worst time but rarely ever very neutral. Hormones were high, emotions were higher and all the ups and downs of life seemed more intense. Which might be why the memories from that time in most people’s life remain so vivid. If our memories of high school were super great and we were the most popular kids in school and prom royalty (is that how we measure popularity these days?) then revisiting those memories is generally pretty awesome! On the flip side if it was a more awkward and painful experience (helllo!), then revisiting this time can give us a chance to see it for what it was, a comparably short overwrought hormonal drama that we didn’t have the maturity to deal with – but probably made us into stronger people. In either camp, coming back to high school and the towns where we grew up will flood us with memories.

If you’re a reader of these emails, I’d love to meet you if you’re in town and hear some of those memories! Please come say hi!


_____ Here’s what’s happening in town this weekend

It’s an Ann Charles Fan Weekend! See all details on her website: http://anncharles.com/deadwood-fan-party-weekend-2021/

-Thursday 6/24 – 6-8pm, Meet and Greet @ Java Joint
-Friday 6/25 – 11am-3pm, Book Signing @ Chubby Chipmunk
-Saturday 6/26 – 10am-1pm, Book Signing @ Lead/Deadwood Arts Center
-4:30-7pm, Fan Party @ Homestake Adams Research & Cultural Center (RSVP required) with Black Hills Paranormal Investigations & psychic/medium readings with Dani Butler
-Sunday 6/27 – 10am-noon, Book Signing @ Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor Center

Thursday 6/26, 5pm – SCIENCE ROCKS: The Science of Fire at the Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor Center! Come down and practice putting our real fire with the Lead Volunteer Fire Department on the Ray Davis Ring Patio!

Friday 6/25

It’s the All School Reunion! Schedule of events: (Fun for all, even if you didn’t graduate from LDHS!)
Golf Scramble – Lead Country Club (Registration at 8 a.m. – Tee-Off 9 a.m.)
Alumni Art Show” – www.leaddeadwoodartscenter.com or call 605-584-1461 for more information.
11am-1pm, Tour Deadwood Elementary (formerly DHS & Junior High) & West Lead Buildings:
2-6pm, Registration @ LDHS Gym 1 – 320 S. Main
2-5pm, Music by Jay Williams (Class of 1980) from Wow Entertainment @ Gym
Tour LDHS / Decade Videos in Auditorium / Memorabilia in Library
2pm – Hors d’oeuvres will be served @ Gym
4-8pm – Class of ‘64 invites anyone and everyone to their class reunion at Manuel Brother’s Park
5pm – “The Adventures of Endersuebee” Book reading & signing from Susan Enderby, class of ‘74 @ Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor Center
6pm+ Individual class activities. The Lead Chamber of Commerce will host an “Open Container Event” on Lead’s Main Street.  “Event Cups” will be sold during registration & at participating businesses.
Evening – Music: Marlin Maynard @ Manuel Brother’s Park
8pm – Music: Suave Agave – featuring Derek Stuerman (Class of ‘92) @ Homestake Opera House

Shuttle Service will be provided around town

Saturday 6/26 – Reunion activities continue!

7-10am, Breakfast served @ High School Cafeteria
11am, PARADE @ Lead Main Street
1-4pm, Catered PICNIC @ Mountain Top Football Field
Shuttle Service will be provided
4-6pm, Music: Something New Band @ Mountain Top Field
7-10pm, Music: Brandon Jones Band
Dusk, BURNING OF THE “L”, “D” & “L/D” @ Mountain Top Football Field

Refreshments will be for sale – Beer, Wine, Pop, Water – Vendors, Food Trucks, Merchandise Booths……

Keep a close watch on the school’s website for updates!

(In the event of inclement weather, Saturday’s events will be moved to the gymnasiums.)

Saturday-Sunday, This weekend Katrina and her crew will be hosting a multi day backpacking clinic! Check her website for all details!


Wednesday, 6/30

5:30-7:30, Skate night at the Handley Recreation Center!

8:30pm – Lead Assembly of God will be presenting the popular TV show “Chosen” in Manuel Brother’s park each Wednesday night through the summer. Bring a lawn chair and snacks and come enjoy!

_____News & Notes

A big welcome to our new city administrator, Dan Blakeman! We’re excited to see the expertise he will bring to our fair city! And if you hadn’t heard, yes, Mike Stahl is retiring. Big changes all around town!

Speaking of big changes, Kevin will be leaving Deadwood Lead Economic Development and his job as executive director of that organization is open! Please apply or share it around: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/executive-director-at-deadwood-lead-economic-development-corporation-2601905759

Stampmill is now closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays so that staff can recoup and best serve us all the other days of the week! Otherwise open from 11am-8pm!

The Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor Center is postponing further Makers Market until October due to the high traffic volumes and business of the vendors. Check back in the fall for more great programming and events!

The Board of Directors held a Public Clarifying Meeting this week to help elucidate the organization and structure of the Lead Area Chamber of Commerce and the Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor Center! It was a great meeting and I so appreciate many of you coming out to better understand how we function and also ask us your questions! If you weren’t able to come we will have notes for anyone interested, as well as invite comments to [email protected].

We always want to spread good information in town so here’s some of the questions that were asked that have easy and clear answers.

Question: What happened to the Show & Shine that used to be part of the 4th of July celebrations? Answer: I called Mr. Nelson (Junior) and asked what the scoop was and he and his dad have always been the organizers. He told me that Mr. Nelson (Senior) hurt his back recently and it was just too much to organize the event this year. They hope to return next year. Question: Why couldn’t someone else be found to organize the event. Answer: This would be a question best directed to the Nelson family.

Question: Someone somewhere heard that the Cars and Coffee event that is part (informally) of Kool Deadwood Nites in Lead was also canceled. Answer: We recently spoke to one of the organizers, Chris Yushta, and he only mentioned that they are excited to return to Lead in 2021!

Question: Where does the money go that’s raised for the Poker Tournament? Answer: We take the money directly generated from that event and put it in our savings account specifically set up for fireworks funds.

Question: Does Sierra make a ton of money for this exciting job she’s doing? Answer: No. And I’m paid hourly, not by salary. This was by my choice, as I think it holds each party more accountable and sets up firmer boundaries which in this kind of job can be very important for both of us.

Question: Who pays for the fireworks and how much are they? Answer: We do at the Chamber. This includes money provided by the city, but we are the ones who organize and make the decision for how much money we can find/raise. We are always improving them, and looking forward to bigger and better economic investment for Lead.

Question: Will there be fireworks this year? Answer: We take our guidance from the Lead Volunteer Fire Department as well as South Dakota Wildland Fire office about fire danger in the hills. Things as you know have been very dry but we are hopeful and will make the final decision next week based on their counsel.

Please come say hi this weekend, I’ll be at registration at the gym with Christine!

With Love from Lead,
Sierra Ward

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